MGTOW 2, the celebration of FREEDOM:

MGTOW is full with negativity, sadness and anger.
Understandably so, as MGTOW revelations here are shocking, and pain people suffered before is of an unspeakable amount.

2 is:

This article is called MGTOW 2 for a very simple reason, as I celebrate 2 years of MGTOW independence this year, and this article is a part of that.
Obviously, you can celebrate MGTOW whenever you would like, but place yourself into my situation for this article.

The sources of happiness:

1.: Blessing of a life:

MGTOWs hardly appreciate what they have gained, but placing oneselves into the situation of a "standard male", the difference is striking.
The standard specimen blames itself for the failures of the female abominations.
Kind of funny, especially going back to the past, where you and I, all of us MGTOW made the same mistake.
Instead of shame, let us laugh at the retards running around, knowing damn well they are wrong, and that one day we will reign supreme.

2.: FREEDOM and the MGTOW spirit:

As a user(on MGTOW forum) called whole_nine_yards said in this post(typo corrected):
"Long live freedom of speech! Long live freedom of the mind! Long live the right to hate as well as love!".
Additionally a user called flailer on the dead said
"On Your Terms, as YOU define it."
Two beautiful ways to put it, the spirit of MGTOW, the spirit of FREEDOM.
Here is my attempt at it, which is not as good as the above two:
F*ck this retarted world full with simps and female monsters.

How to be happy?:

The source of darkness is the source of light:

Many MGTOWs are dealing with self-esteem issues, as not openly, but the entire world has turned against them.
Why is that so?
The females due to fear, as if the MGTOW "contagion" spreads their entire scam is ruined for good.
And the men due to jealousy, as they see how better the MGTOW life is than what they have, and instead of rational thought, they try and drag you down.

Top of the line:

As it is obvious form the above paragraph, MGTOW has the best chances in this world, despite the Empire of Darkness(name used for the globalists) forces trying to ruin it.
Our possibilities, while they may not be endless, they are much better than the simps, who are set up to be destroyed, and the females, whose end is near by a pincer force of MGTOW and replacement technologies.
Let's not be overwhelmed by despair, when we have the best hand other than the Empire running this whole s*itshow.

Dark past, Great future:

MGTOW is a slow process, a slow gain of joy, freedom, and power.
There is no quick cure for all the suffering survivors of the female monsters.
However, it is a miracle, that even with such a powerful Empire trying to crush us, and almost all of society teaming up against us, we are still here, we are still free, and we will continue growing and becoming more FREE.
Our future is bright.

Last modified: 2023-12-13