Of Highs and Lows, the dualist nature of the human mind:

Humans(sadly not all due to brainwashing), have two layers of thought.
I call it the High functions and Low functions.

High Functions:

404 not found, BRAIN_IS_WASHED_ERROR:

Unfortunately with the advancement of behavioral science, the propaganda can do absolute "wonders", especially against women.
Most men and all women(obviously not a 100%, more like 99.9999999%) are pretty much incapable of high thought, making them nothing more than animals, as humans are the only creature capable of higher thought.
Their high thoughts are entirely owned by the Empire of Darkness(name used for the globalists).
This effectively disables their high functions, luckily with MGTOW men can reclaim them, and are reclaiming it en masse.
Women are going to reclaim it when the hard times hit us.
These people are like an NPC(Non-playable character) in a videogame, they do as they are told.

Rational and moral:

High functions follow a rationality-based thought line, even if the rationality is flawed.
Morality is a high function, it largely depends on the upbringing of the individual.

Rationality VS rationalization:

If a low function(ex.: desire to rub it) conflicts with a high function(ex.: MGTOW), a rationalization can begin.
Due to conflict the brain tries to create a high reason to do the thing with a low reason only.
Rationalization is NOT rational, as the rational high function(MGTOW) has already decided logically.

Male method of problem solving, the CBA:

When a man with high function "unlocked" faces a problem, he does a CBA(Cost-Benefit Analysis).
You check the cost and benefit of doing something.
If it comes out as a positive, you do it, if it doesn't you don't do it.
Terrence Popp explains this concept in this video

Women suck(as always):

It is nearly impossible to make a woman do a CBA ignoring her emotions.
And in the Empire of Darkness it is actually impossible due to marxist "women not accountable for anything" culture.
You should not waste your time, A2: avoidance category.

Dual Functions:


Defining fun is really hard due to it's low level, this is my best idea:
Fun is a Dual-layered function, which rewards the brain when pre-coded conditions are met.
In a more standard way Fun is reward for something you do, if it meets criteria.
Sadly for us, the Empire of Darkness has manipulated this.
Drugs are fun at first, then they ruin your life, definitely not good.
Fun is also a major component to keep the NPCs under control using positive reward cycles .

Low Functions:


This is the lowest of the low functions of humans, in a programmer way of saying:
If X is true do Y.
If you touch something hot, pull hand back.
Luckily for us, these have not been manipulated(yet) by the Empire of Darkness.

Sex, Maslow's hierarchy of needs level 3, and the glitch? in the matrix.

Sex is a low function guaranteeing the constant stream of replacements.
Lust is the determining factor, deciding who wants who.
For female -> male lust, the FMS scale gives an attraction value.
As you can see on the pyramid, this is layer 3, making it not absolutely needed, but hard to do without.
Weirdly, the Empire of Darkness has cut sexual access from most men, giving most of the affected their higher thoughts back.
This step was probably made to lock off men's higher thoughts, but they have failed as MGTOW is mostly fine and by some optimistic statistics reached 50% of the Male population.

Paired functions:

Love and Lust:

Throughout our existence, many people tried to find out what love truly meant.
From Plato's many theories to Tesla who would be a MGTOW in our day as he died a virgin.
My definition is this:
Sexual love is rationalization of lust.
Love is trying to make a high reason for bonding and the "blitzkrieg".

Rationality and feels:

Feelings are the low version of thinking.
If feelings are followed instead of rationality, you can guess what we get.
If you answered F***ING COMMUNISM you are correct.

History of a nation to the modern MGTOW man:

To illustrate the human thought system better, we can make a comparison to Austria-Hungary.
A dualist nation, with two governments, two capitals and so on.
We men have two governments, high and low, similarly to Austria-Hungary.
Just like Austria-Hungary our two governments are in constant conflict, as MGTOW is very unnatural.
Low is constantly fighting High.
The low government want to get the "connection", while the MGTOW high government wants to stay clear.
Ultimately, we need to fight not just the modern woman, but a "civil war" at the same time.
However the benefits of MGTOW far outweigh the cost of this civil war.

Last modified:2023-10-03

Maslow pyramid taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MaslowHierarchy.png